Xavor's Offsite Sessions

Event dates: 02 & 03-08-2005
We've been on offsite training and fun activity sessions. It was a two day session in which first day was dedicated to discussion on a cook book about business in India, named "The World is Flat" and a session on our "Personal Best" experience of project development being a team lead. Second day there were activities of "CAP" Career Action Plans and then Concert and dinner.
So on the first day we went LUMS, Lahore University of Management Sciences. There we had presentation on the book "The World is Flat". Later on, after tea and lunch breaks, we were given paper sheets to fill out by writing your personal best experience of project development being a team lead. Our management skills was the focus of this excercie. People shared their experiences with colleagues. Everyone sounded good team lead. A good luck for the company. :)

We had to reach at Royal Palm Golf and Country Club for second day activity starting from 2:00PM. So we wind up our work at office and reached the club at around 3:00 coz it started raining heavily ! I enjoyed rain with my colleague during my way to golf club. There we did an interesting activity, making charts. The idea was to create charts with pictures from magazines, newspapers etc and show what your mind thinks. Your ambition, your vision, your dream, your focus of thought, all you can show through pictures. We were provided lots of magazines and newspapers and other digests, chart papers, and good stationery. With alot of efforts i had quite good collection of around 8 pictures which I pasted on the chartpaper. My colleagues created cool charts too, besides mine :). After creating all that, each of us pasted our chart papers on the walls of the hall and it turned out to be an "art gallery".
Then we had some time to walk around and take tea etc. After that, we had to present our Creer Action Plans, rather share our vision. The idea was to zoom out and see what would you be after 10 years. "You are on the front page of a magazine and What would be the story that brings on the front page !" That was really good activity to make me think and realize what I have to achieve in my life in comming 10 years, whats next I have to do to make my 10 years plans come true. We shared our visions, some of us were really enthusiastic and some were jolly, some had facinating ideas and others were very realistic. So that ups and downs were interesting and amusing at the same time.
The final activity was concert, a singer suhail was invited to sing. During concert, we started taking dinner. Dinner was delicious with lots of white meat products, sweet dishes, drinks. Then we took black tea and enjoyed concert, I "cought" a cassette, that was a drop catch by my project manager and HR manager and came to my hands since I was sitting right behind them :). I sung a small song as well and everybody enjoyed alot. Good day it was !


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